Do you believe you are worthy of your dreams?

I like to call this place the beginning ... the first step on a life long journey - Find a way to believe in yourself - what you are capable of - and that you are worthy of your dreams. I think the biggest thing that a lot of us tend to deal with is the belief in ourselves . The main question I hear when talking to people (spoken or unspoken) is - if they are worthy of their dreams. So many people give up - because they are to afraid to ask themselves that very question, because it is just easier to - or they have had others tell them they are not worthy - either by their actions or outright ridicule. I struggled with this a lot in my life - and some days I still have to fight it - it never completely goes away. Remember, there are always people, situations, or your inner demons that want you to fail or never try, or give up. I grew up as an oldest of two daughters in an very loving and good home environment (and I tell you this first, because it helps to understand...