
Showing posts from September, 2016

The Phoenix Rising

This could be one of those posts - and ideas I have like many that may continue to come up -this one in particular because well I have a blog and a tattoo with this mythical bird as the muse and a life that has been made new out of ashes several times. So, it is obvious - I love the Phoenix - it is my favorite mythical creature or idea that has come out of ancient folklore and has spiritual connotations for me that stick with me every day and remind me to stay grounded and keep finding my best self and seeking to help others find theirs. It is stated that this mythical creature will throw itself into flames and then will arise, reborn from it's ashes. This has always been a beautiful thought and idea to me and has allowed me many hours of reflection on the relevance in our own lives. How many times do we find ourselves throughout our lives, at the end of our ropes or at the end of what we believe is our limit. In a place where the only way sometimes to move forward is to throw o

Tensegrity Model - and how it relates to all facets of life

I have been seeing a massage therapist this year pretty regularly this part year (by far the best RMT I have ever been to but that is besides the point). After my last therapy, she was talking about the Tensegrity Model with respect to the way that it works and moves. So, I checked it out - and basically it is this... Tensegrity Model " is a  structural  principle based on the use of isolated components in  compression  inside a net of continuous  tension , in such a way that the compressed members (usually bars or struts) do not touch each other and the  prestressed  tensioned members (usually cables or tendons) delineate the system spatially" [1] Apparently the easiest way to understand it is to get a model and hold it in your hand - which I can say is true ... you can then can watch the properties of the model for yourself. But the basis of it is that the model holds it shape as long as all the strings are intact. cut or over-stretch  a string (just one) and the sh