"wasn't it the way that our laughs filled the night and how our conversation felt so fresh, that made everything seem to finally feel so right. and now it is all seeming to come to such an abrupt stop - faster then this started (even though I knew this was inevitable) . . . it stops with you following a dream that you deserve so very much and me none the wiser to the what might have been. you've become so close to me in such a short time that i feel i've known you for years... and still i guess this will be as far as i get to telling you my true thoughts and feelings . . . for now" ac
"how do you not see me? and how can i feel so passionatly about us when it as never even crossed your mind? and how can i see something that is so far beyond possiblity?" ac
I couldn't think of a more suitable title for this particular post than just . . . Darkness - due to the fact that when you are in such a place where darkness seems to be all there is - what else needs to be said. I know everyone's experiences in life are different, and I know that there is very little cross over for what caused darkness in one persons life over another. However, I do know darkness - very well. I know it like I know my last name. I know it can be scary and I know it can feel like it is consuming you. I don't think we need to worry or examine the differences of exactly how one person can feel surrounded and enveloped by darkness over another. I think what I want to do, is let anyone who needs to hear it know that I have been there. I have sat, alone in complete darkness - alone with my damning thoughts and shameful feelings. With the voices of every single person or negative idea that had ever entered my head. I have had those thoughts control me for long p