"wasn't it the way that our laughs filled the night and how our conversation felt so fresh, that made everything seem to finally feel so right. and now it is all seeming to come to such an abrupt stop - faster then this started (even though I knew this was inevitable) . . . it stops with you following a dream that you deserve so very much and me none the wiser to the what might have been. you've become so close to me in such a short time that i feel i've known you for years... and still i guess this will be as far as i get to telling you my true thoughts and feelings . . . for now" ac
"how do you not see me? and how can i feel so passionatly about us when it as never even crossed your mind? and how can i see something that is so far beyond possiblity?" ac
we are on an adventure – we have been put here and half the time we have no idea exactly what kind of story we are in and we rarely question the bigger picture – we get so caught up in our worlds and the soap opera’s around us that we forget that there is a bigger story and a bigger reason that we are here. But, our heart, the place where Jesus resides, knows exactly why we are here and God speaks to us through it – pulling us towards his greater purpose. You can drown out his voice by keeping busy and always making sure that you are always going- like the energizer bunny with a purpose and a plan – but have you ever stopped to wonder if your plan has anything to do with the plan you have designed in your head – have you recently stopped to listen – and I mean really listen to what God is saying to your heart… have you heard him whispering to you late at night – asking you if you want something more – if you are thirsty for what this world can never supply? This voice is not asking you...