to the other side

"if my life made sense
to me right now..
and I had it all under 
control - 
i wonder how
much i would 
be leaning
on you.
the fact that
i know you're
here in this
troubled time,
has brought me
closer to you
in ways that
wouldn't have
through any
other circumstances
then these...
in order to come
out of this alive
I have needed you
to come to
my rescue
and be the one
i count on
as everyone
else around me
has disappeared
and i have all but given up.
all i have to hold
onto is hope
and faith
to get me to
the other side
of this
without drowning
this is when i have
needed you
the most
and you have
shown me yourself
your heart
And i
will try not to
forget this time
with you.
I will remember it
as nothing less
then when i
fell in love
with my
for the first time."


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